5 Economic Advantages of Solar Light

Climate change has been a recurring issue worldwide. Many steps have been taken to prevent it from even worsening. The establishment of the Sustainable Development Goals or SDG in 2015 is one example.

The United Nations developed 17 specific goals. Each objective aims to address social, economic, and environmental issues. Part of the seventeen goals is affordable and clean energy.

SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy

SDG 7 mainly focuses on providing sustainable energy for everyone. It also encompasses the economic advantages of solar light.

Following the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, goal number seven aims to fulfill the following objectives:

  • Ensure access to affordable, reliable, and modern energy services for everyone
  • Significantly increase the percentage of renewable energy share in the global energy mix
  • Double the improvement of energy efficiency globally
  • Boost cooperation among countries to help in providing clean energy research and technology access
  • Upgrade technology and expand infrastructure for supplying modern and sustainable energy services for all, particularly in the least developed countries

Learn more about the SDGs here.

Goal 7 in Action: The Economic Advantages of Solar Lights

As the SDGs continue to roll, environmentalists have also never ceased to guide people into making sustainable choices. Utilizing solar lights is among their recommendations.

As the name implies, solar lights are illumination systems powered by the sun. A panel will collect solar energy during daylight and charges a batter that automatically powers a fixture light during nighttime.

There are plenty of economical solar light advantages communities can enjoy, and here are some of them:

1.   Environmental benefits

Many countries remain using fossil fuels as their energy source. But the issue with using these fuels starts when they emit carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases. One way to stop the world's reliance on fossil fuels is switching to solar lights.

Since their primary energy source is the sun, solar lights are known to be a clean and renewable lighting system.

2.   Better Use of Government Funds

The government, both national and local, has numerous responsibilities. One is ensuring all communities under their jurisdiction have access to electricity. But this is a problem for some areas. Several regions in the country lack electricity connections, and traditional street lighting may be expensive.

The government must provide grid connectivity before building the streetlight infrastructure to supply electricity. This investment can be costly.

Meanwhile, solar lights do not need a grid connection, making them a viable solution to this issue. The money the government may save using solar lights can help them allocate it to more important projects.

3.  Disaster and Risk Management

Typhoons are common in the Philippines. On average, they can hit the country about 19 times a year. This is why being prepared for possible floods is more than necessary.

Employing a solar floodlight can ensure the public will receive essential lighting and security in times of power outages.

This preparedness can help reduce economic losses and ensure business continuity even during disasters.

4.   Road and Public Safety

In a news blog released by the People's Television (PTV) network, the crime rate in the Philippines dropped in the first quarter of 2023.

While this is good news, everyone must remain vigilant. Solar lights are ideal for illuminating the streets and alleyways for safety purposes. Solar streetlights can also help reduce road accidents due to poor visibility during nighttime.

5.   High Property Value

The housing market drives economic activity, creates jobs, and generates tax revenues. Buyers prefer houses with a proper illumination system. Solar lights are perfect for this.

With solar lights, realtors can market properties at a higher value, generating more income for them and promoting economic growth.

Why are Solar Lights the Better Choice?

Solar lights have been existing for a long time, but their idea can still be daunting to some. Their initial price is one of the most intimidating factors that stop people from switching.

While it is true that they can be costly upfront, the benefits you can enjoy with solar lights outweigh their initial price.

One reason why solar lights can be expensive is their battery. Compared to traditional lights, these illuminating system has a better and longer battery lifespan due to the following reasons:

  • Made of lithium iron phosphate
  • Can resist up to 85°C
  • Cycle charge of more than 1000 times

Furthermore, solar lights have an intelligent management system that works systematically.

  • Charging from 6 AM to 6 PM
  • Brightness level at 100% from 6 PM to 11 PM (first 5 hours of the night)
  • Brightness level subsequently reduced to 50% at 11 PM to 4 AM (next 5 hours)
  • Average lumens brightness at 30% by 4 AM to 6 AM (next 2 hours)

With these two advantages, rest assured you will get your money’s worth. However, if you still need more convincing, this may do the job: solar lights provide an excellent return on investment.

Illuminating the Future with the Best Solar Lights

Now that the world is gearing toward sustainability, solar lights are becoming more rampant than ever.

This increase in demand has pushed multiple companies to release their versions of solar lights. However, not all businesses that offer solar lights can deliver quality and affordability. Thankfully, there are CHINT Solar Lights.

With 37 years of manufacturing experience, CHINT has provided homeowners and builders with quality and sustainable energy solutions. So if you need the best solar lights available in the Philippines, CHINT is the perfect brand for you.

Ready to Make the Switch?

Without a doubt, solar lights are incredible innovations for a sustainable future. Hence, if you are ready to switch from conventional illumination to a more environmentally friendly option, look no further than Lightforce Corporation.

Our 13 years of experience have made us one of the leading suppliers of sustainable lighting fixtures in the Philippines. We offer exceptional quality and energy-saving lighting products at very affordable price rates. This includes flood and streetlights from the brand CHINT.

We at Lightforce Corporation are mainly known for our capabilities to meet our customers' demands, especially in fixture replacements, product sourcing, new construction planning, energy consumption analysis, and request fulfillment.

Ready to make the switch? SHOP NOW!